Take Action Today


Take Action Today >>

Contact Your Legislator

Your representatives need to hear from you! Call, email, or write to your legislators to urge them to support critical police accountability bills. Personal stories and direct advocacy can help push for real change.

Join the Forum

Be part of the conversation. Our online forum is a space to connect with others, discuss policy issues, and share ideas on advocating for change.

Like and Share

Spread the word! Follow us on social media and amplify our message by sharing our posts. Raising awareness is key to building momentum. Our social links are at the bottom of the page!

Share Your Story

Your experiences matter. Personal stories help illustrate the real impact of police misconduct and the need for accountability. By sharing your story, you can raise awareness, influence lawmakers, and inspire others to take action. Whether you’ve been directly affected or have witnessed injustice, your voice is a powerful tool for change.


Your financial support helps us keep fighting for justice. Every contribution fuels advocacy efforts, educational campaigns, and community organizing.

Engage with Local Media

Call in to radio shows, comment on news articles, and help keep these issues in the public eye.